Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp

Vladyslav Dalechyn


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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
who are we firing now with gpt4o? tutors?
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
hey @horsefacts.eth, there is a broken link in docs. https://docs.farcaster.xyz/reference/actions/spec#valid-icons
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
what are we waiting from gpt2?
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
does anyone know the semantic difference between `v3-core/contracts/libraries /SqrtPriceMath.sol` and `v3-periphery/contracts/libraries /LiquidityAmounts.sol`? It's so mind-boggling that those do essentially the same job of computing liquidity and deriving amounts but do such DIFFERENTLY.
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
I'm going to /farcon-tokyo 🇯🇵
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
wen telegram look-a-like fc client?
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
iykyk https://github.com/Uniswap/v2-periphery/blob/0335e8f7e1bd1e8d8329fd300aea2ef2f36dd19f/contracts/libraries/UniswapV2Library.sol#L58
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
please give some feedback if you built mint with warps! https://warpcast.com/horsefacts.eth/0xbcd800bd
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
My personal takeaways working with wagmi and NextJS: - Use suspense queries as much as possible in pages, but not in components unless later are in "finished" state. Splitting CSR/SSR components isn't fun to do, especially since NextJS still is not rapid with server chunk bundling.
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
@jxom, do I understand it right that EIP-5792 not only concerns ERC-4337 paymaster but also signing and broadcasting multiple txns in general? Such as ERC20 Approve + Transfer?
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
Does neynar throw a specific error in the response body if billing is unpaid/or if there are no compute units left?
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
I laid down the current frame specs limitation of refreshing frames if you're curios to know why it's fundamentally hard to implement such on library level. If you have any comments on how to solve such please reply! https://warpcast.com/dalechyn.eth/0x285fb7c9
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
Proposing to add a custom header `X-Frame-Request-Id` for clients to add when making requests for frames. Motivation: When a user sees a Frame, it always involves two requests – request for Frame meta tags and for the image. Libraries cannot differentiate if it's a single frame op. or not. More in the thread ⬇️
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
Proposing to add Cast Action Embeds. Motivation: Only ways to distribute such is via a deeplink or by hiding one in a frame with a lack of space to explain one (as buttons truncate). How: UI only change. By sharing a URL to the cast action in the cast, client makes a GET request and renders it as an embed.
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
Proposing to have channel-persisted cast actions. Motivation: 5 isn’t enough. Different channels may use certain actions more/less frequently, i don’t want to reinstall them every time I visit a new one. How: Host selects channel actions, every time you visit the channel they appear in the top (in a folder?).
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
quickly 📈 trade /farcards without ever leaving the feed. smash that "Install" button, go to any cast and hit "Trade far.cards" action! if it doesn't show up – then it's not a /farcards holder. have fun with the trades! https://farcards-cast-action.vercel.app/api/install
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Vladyslav Dalechyn pfp
Vladyslav Dalechyn
i'm a bit late but [email protected] is out! – ⬆️ Cast Actions Deeplink V2 format support, V1 is deprecated – 👣 Multi-step Cast Actions (https://frog.fm/concepts/multi-step-cast-actions) Cast Actions got some breaking changes (small ones), see here: https://github.com/wevm/frog/releases/tag/frog%400.9.0
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