Dadcaster pfp
Calling all crypto dads 🧒 Have you introduced your kids to the concept of crypto? How do you explain it in a way they understand? Share your strategies and experiences in raising the next generation of onchain enthusiasts or builders. πŸ‘‡πŸ»
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jamesyoung.eth pfp
allowance - need to get their "skin in the game" first opens the door to key management, gaming, NFTs, etc
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Jon pfp
I’m a pudgy penguin holder and they sell a physical toy now which I plan to get. Their toys include a crypto wallet setup flow so she can join the huddle with me. Excited to set that all up for her! 🐧
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Lior in Lisbon pfp
Lior in Lisbon
Something cool coming at you in 24h. Countdown
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