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dylan pfp
Kendrick dropped this morning, Drake dropped a few hours ago, and then Kendrick just dropped again right now — what is going on?!?!?! This might be one of the most insane days of hip hop I have ever observed
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ildi pfp
It's not the response I was hoping for, but he dropped it quick so can't be mad at that. From my perspective, this was the worst track in the whole battle though.
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cyrus ᖽ  🍄 pfp
cyrus ᖽ 🍄
completely bodied him over a piano 20mins after drake dropped like watching a child trying to play chess with an AI
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netop://ウエハ pfp
Honestly, it's so unfair. But like a hardheaded kid, Drake will keep going. Where's J Prince to "stop him"? That was allegedly the reason he never responded to Pusha T...LOL! Pusha's folks recorded the convos with OVO. And then Drake's team apparently came back empty-handed paying for Kenny dirt? Shambles.
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ildi pfp
Hardheaded kid? These descriptions keep getting better, I love it! Drake can't be stopped. What most of the haters don't understand is that he loves hip-hop more than all of you put together. He's the target cuz he's at the top.
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netop://ウエハ pfp
LMAO Drake Stans are hilarious. I'm merely a fan of both but I can be objective enough to know that Kenny got him by a landslide. Hip-hop, to me, is about lyricism and integrity. Your last two sentences got me shaking my head. Remember when Diddy said he couldn't be stopped? 🍵
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ildi pfp
I'd ask you to explain how you came up with the "landslide" conclusion, but none of you guys are actually listening to Drake. You hate the success.
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netop://ウエハ pfp
You keep applying the word “hate” where it doesn’t belong. Making assumptions about me or any Kendrick fan to support your thesis…it’s kinda sad. Are you listening to Kendrick at all? He’s been quite successful at knocking Drake down. Genius dot com can break things down further if you’re confused.
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ildi pfp
The word "hate" was actually emphasized by Kendrick, but you should know this since you've been listening. I don't have a thesis, im entertained.
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netop://ウエハ pfp
You're being facetious, don't try to move the goalpost. You were clearly speaking to me and anyone who doesn't believe Drake is winning. Sure, the word was emphasized by Kendrick but you used it too. Dafuq?
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ildi pfp
So you don't hate Drake but think Kendrick bodied him. Is that all? Just wana have meaningful discussions tbh - I don't care to be right, trying to guide the channel toward entertainment instead of hate.
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netop://ウエハ pfp
Correct. Not sure where you got the assumption I was hating from. Your comments to me and other people seem like you're personally invested in OVO somehow. I'm here for the bars.
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ildi pfp
The moment Kendrick dropped the response, I pinned the cast to the top, @dylsteck.eth can vouch for that. I wouldn't be doing this if I was arguing in bad faith. I literally said "best friday night ever" after Kendrick dropped.
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cyrus ᖽ  🍄 pfp
cyrus ᖽ 🍄
Was waiting for the cope I guess it’s ‘cos you saw drake also got bodied in # of YT views, ‘cos that’s how you said the streets measure who won, right? 🥃
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ildi pfp
Hey, would you look at that! You finally typed out a fact 👏 you are literally on a social network right now, so miss me with the street talk. No more replies from me unless you have meaningful thoughts
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