cyrus α–½  πŸ„ pfp
cyrus α–½ πŸ„
A farcaster premiere: announcing GYOC DAO We store data in plants to make data storage carbon absorbing 🌱 Growing a future where server farms transform into data forests 🌳 Would love your feedback and questions ☘️
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cyrus α–½  πŸ„ pfp
cyrus α–½ πŸ„
@juan @vm @benersing some more details on what we're building as i remember you folks were curious
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Juan 🎩 pfp
Juan 🎩
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Ben  πŸŸͺ pfp
Ben πŸŸͺ
Thanks for the tag! Fascinating project. What’s will the DAO NFTs be priced at? What happens is the plant dies? How is data backed up?
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