cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp

cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳


760 Following

cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
@brixbounty talks a lot of sense imo, especially when shilling α–½ATH πŸ˜‰ but seriously the irony of degen culture thriving in transparency and credibility should not be lost on you this is a singular moment, where builders who have established themselves on Fc are launching weekly and you're not early, you're first
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
gm, woke up excited today by the prospect of realising one of my goals for 2024: Aligning my inner degen with my much more public regen πŸŽ©πŸ€πŸ„
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
Red for Regen πŸ„
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
Thanks to @flexasaurusrex I realised I have lots of ham to share So now I ham happy
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
@rev and @cjh just launched something it's really exciting, i'd say the possibilities are... /limitless
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
People are enjoying the 'shroom and staying for the impact πŸ„
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
@jimicohen is a legend 🌳 Makes me curious, which other Regen OGs should we be sure to get on here? πŸ“‹
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
Wow /regen is growing! - Nearly doubled the followers in the channel - @basin, @urbe-eth and more sharing regen initiatives - 100+ mints of the Regen OG NFT We're just getting started πŸ„
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
The legend (and definitely not a team) @wake is powering pools for WAKE and α–½ATH over on /proxyswap It's Uniswap transported to Layer 3. Recommend giving it a try!
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
Just wanted to take a moment to recognise the hard-working folk that power this attention economy I'm of course talking about the Airdrop Farmers We at α–½ATH salute you α–½
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
For replyguys, this list is something to pay attention to This cycle, memes are evolving from the classic and emblematic (e.g. Doge, Wif, Brett) to pure cultural coins (e.g. higher↑, degen🎩, ATHα–½) that capture the energy and spirit of [anything] online... ✎
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
If you're a Regen and applying for #GG20 tell us about it! Farcaster has been a wonderful place to grow initiatives with community, from simple open source tools to an actual Layer 3 🀯 With /regen and what we're cooking up, we want to channel that energy to power Regen ideas Drop your projects πŸ„
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
Is there a known bug on Optimism? Launched an NFT yday, don't see: - # of unique minters - creator rewards - I'm marked as the top minter with x1 Worried ppl will be put off minting. Onchain is a different story:
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
Don’t wanna jinx anything but has the spam gone?
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
A lot of people dropping α–½ATH /alltimehigh in the comments Study conviction α–½
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
Love to see community members like @johnbayode taking initiative Love /poidh Go get this bounty ! α–½
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
*Make being a Regen cute again* Mint, then come hangout and spread /regen vibes We're cooking something πŸ„
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
For. the lovers of Points - it's a great moment to start using @Rainbow to swap for some α–½ATH on Degen Chain! α–½
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
Today the moon is full and something new is growing A meme and a movement Join us in /regen Spread Regen vibes πŸ„
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cyrus 🎩  α–½  🌳 pfp
cyrus 🎩 α–½ 🌳
we regen en espaΓ±ol πŸ„
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