Cameron Voell pfp

Cameron Voell


169 Following

Cameron Voell pfp
Cameron Voell
Submitted my Farcaster React Native (fcrn) SDK repo to PurpleDAO retro fund 4. Monorepo packages and example app demonstrate Signer registration via Warpcast API, Writing via direct hub connection, and Neynar Feed API! Feedback welcome!
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Cameron Voell pfp
Cameron Voell
hello world
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Cameron Voell pfp
Cameron Voell
Larches in northern Washington State. Deciduous conifers turn bright yellow for a few weeks every fall high up in the mountains :-)
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Cameron Voell pfp
Cameron Voell
Diving into farcaster docs this evening and evaluating what it would take to make an open source react native reference client... Wish me luck!
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