#Nubit Airdrop Confirmed Small Tutorial Below @nubit_org Just Launched Alpha Testnet Phase-2 Light Node Quest Tasks ⏲️ Time - 5 min ✨Operating System 💻 For MAC - Click the Launchpad icon in the Dock, type Terminal in the search field, then click Terminal. 🖥️ For PC - Click on the taskbar. Type cmd in the search field. Click on RUN AS ADMIN ✨ Task Page ✨ Run a Nubit light node with a simple command. 💠 For details, refer to Nubit DA Node Documentation MAC & PC Commands are little diffrent COPY THIS CODE FOR MAC 👉 curl -sL1 | bash ✨ Save your Nubit light node pubkey 💠 Each time you run the command, your light node pubkey will be printed out. Make sure to save it securely. ✨ Verify your Nubit light node pubkey after 15 minutes. 💠 Copy and paste your light node pubkey into the provided field and click “Verify.” Full Video
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