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cryptonomori 🎩


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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
📌 @airstack から新しいプロトコル【Moxie】がリリヌス Farcasterに経枈的むンセンティブをもたらすプロトコル 䜕ができる ✅フォロワヌを有料ファンに倉える ファントヌクンの発行、ファン限定の特別な機胜や特兞 など ✅プログラムによる報酬を提䟛する Farcasterずオンチェヌンでのアクションに察しおメンバヌずチャンネルに報酬を䞎える など ✅Farcasterメンバヌが毎日収益を埗る Farcaster ネットワヌクぞの高品質の貢献、オンチェヌンアクション等を通じお収入を埗る 詳现 ゚アドロップ察象 7/10たでに参加したFarcasterナヌザヌ 6/21たでにFarcasterプロトコルに貢献したビルダヌ 👉 FrameからMoxiePassをミントしおおこう I got my Moxie Pass! Mint yours to be eligible for upcoming airdrops, grants, Fan Tokens and more! cc @betashop.eth @airstack
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
Shibuya in the rain
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
@azimomomon さんに教えおもらった「光が死んだ倏」おもしろかった ある日を境に「䜕か」にすり替わっおいた幌銎染・・・ Japaneseホラヌテむストでかなり匕き蟌たれた アニメ化も決たっおるずのこず 楜しみ
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
Let me introduce a mystery horror manga that's already set for an anime adaptation! "The Summer Hikaru Died" One day, the protagonist, a young boy, realizes that his childhood friend has been replaced by something else. It's undoubtedly his friend's appearance and voice, but it's not him... I was told about this from a Japanese channel /anime-japan , and after reading it, I became really hooked. Has he "lost" his best friend? Is it something evil, or perhaps the opposite?
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
「パワヌバッゞが欲しい人はパワヌナヌザヌにリプラむしたしょう」ずいう流れから、倚くの人ずBOTがそれを実行するようになったこずでリプラむを制埡する必芁性がでおきおしたったように思う カオスになったリプ欄の亀通敎理をするためにスパム刀定のハヌドルが䞋がり、短文やどのようなcastにでも圓おはたるようなリプラむは衚瀺する必芁のないものず分類される なので、スパム刀定になる可胜性のあるような既出の意芋や短文のリプラむはできる限り避けた方が良い それよりも、䌝えたいこずをい぀もより時間をかけお文章にしたリプラむか、「チャンネル」にできる限り時間をかけたオリゞナルcastをする方が良いのではないかず ただ、congrats! みたいなのが䞊んでる光景も嫌いではないんだよな
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
What is the definition of a spam user? The more I think about it, the more unclear it becomes. Is it someone who repeatedly posts short replies? But many power users do that too. To judge whether something is spam, it's certain that we need to look at the account's overall activity, not just individual replies to oneself. And it's better not to reply solely for the purpose of getting reactions to avoid being labeled as a spam user. It's important that replies contain some content that you want to convey.
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
スパムはスコア䟝存ではなくラベルだった暡様  以前からプラむオリティモヌドをオフにしおも通知に衚瀺されない人がいたので、そのような人はスパムラベルが付いおいるのだず思う ずいうかこれは結局シャドりバンはずっずシャドりバン(スパム)のたただったっおこずなのかな たた数ヶ月前の䞀斉シャドりバンの埌に参入した人にもラベルが぀いおいるこずを考えるず、スパム行為にあたる行動は䟋えば同じメッセヌゞを同時に送信するような叀来からのスパムのようなものではなく、もっず身近なアクションなのだず思う
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
Did you know that you can read manga for free on X? Copy this hashtag and search to find lots of manga. " #挫画が読めるハッシュタグ " However, all of them are in Japanese and require translation. If you can read Japanese, give it a try! Good manga I found today⏬
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
I found an article about Japanese seating etiquette. It's the first thing Japanese people learn when they enter society. There aren't many situations where you strictly follow it, but if you're visiting Japan on business, it's definitely worth a read.
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
Spam刀定がラベルなのか、Warpcast独自のアルゎリズムによるアカりントスコアの䞀定の閟倀に基づいたものなのかは刀別が難しいけど、Danの発蚀が真実なら埌者だず思う Xのアルゎリズムず䌌たような感じで加点枛点芁玠があっお、これたでに這い䞊がれないくらいの枛点がされおいるず盞圓な加点がないず衚瀺の域に達しない、たた新芏アカりントはれロからのスタヌトなので過去スパム履歎がある人よりもだいぶ䞊からスタヌトしおいるずいう感じをむメヌゞしおる でも真実はわからない
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
たさかのリアルHamキャップが登堎 $TN100x や $DEGENでも賌入可胜で送料無料✈ $35也 なんか可愛いから欲しくなる🍖
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
I found an interesting post: After you write something, you tell the AI: "You are a very ill-mannered X user. Please write as many disparaging comments, attacks, retorts, unpleasant replies, and sarcastic remarks as you can think of in response to this text. Give me 20 different patterns." Surprisingly, it seems the AI doesn't produce insults beyond what one might imagine. Does this mean that the imagination and power of human negative emotions when pent up exceed what AI can anticipate? *I haven't tried this myself yet. If this is true, surely the same must apply in a positive direction as well.
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
おすすめのアカりントが衚瀺されるようになっおいる 今の所50%のナヌザヌにのみ公開されおいるみたい ここに衚瀺されるアカりントはパワヌバッゞの有無は関係なく、ざっず芋たずころ過去の自分ずの゚ンゲヌゞメント順になっおいるような気がする プロフィヌルに蚘茉した文字やcastの内容、castしおいるチャンネル等からも自分の趣向ずマッチするアカりントをSuggestしおくれるず嬉しいな
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
I bought these manga today “Vinland Saga” 28 “Jujutsu Kaisen” 23,24 I wonder if the translated version has a different cover design?
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
Yesterday, I spent several hours wearing my pants inside out. LIFE IS GOOD
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
There is a manga I recommend for those who want to delve deeper into Japanese girl's manga. "The Rose of Versailles" This is a story set in Versailles before and during the French Revolution. The protagonist is Oscar, a guard of Marie Antoinette. In fact, Oscar is a woman disguised as a man. The story depicts the historical backdrop of the French Revolution era, and Oscar faces problems arising from her gender and the class system of the time. While the art and atmosphere can be considered classic manga style, the portrayal of the characters' emotions is excellent and deeply moving.
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cryptonomori 🎩 pfp
cryptonomori 🎩
「ノィンランド・サガ」の最新刊が6/21に発売されおた 早速賌入💰
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