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Hello Frends🥰 On today's episode of Fruity Facts, we are discussing CORN🌽🌽
1. Corn cobs always have an even number of rows.
2. While many consider corn a vegetable, it’s actually both a grain and a fruit.
3. Some types of corn include; dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, popcorn, flour corn, sweet corn and so on.
4. The world record for the tallest corn stalk is more than 35 feet.
5. An acre of corn eliminates 8 tons of carbon dioxide from our air.
6. There are 125 calories in a cup of corn.
7. Maize is a Taino word that means “sacred mother” or “giver of life”.
8. One corn plant produces one to three cobs each.
9. More than 90 million acres on earth are dedicated to producing corn.
10. Corn was first domesticated in southern Mexico more than 10,000 years ago.
11. Corn is used in foods like cereal, potato chips, soft drinks, cooking oil, and more.
12. Corn is used in non-food items like fireworks, glue, fabric, crayons, fuel, paint, laundry detergent, cosmetics, … 2 replies
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Hello frends❤️
Its another episode of FRUITY FACTS🥂 Today, we are reviewing TOMATOES🍅🍅
1. Tomatoes are technically fruits and not veggies
2. Tere are more than 25,000 varieties of tomatoes.
3. 3. 94.5% of the tomato’s weight is water.
4. Tomatoes are usually red but can also be yellow, green, pink, purple, black, and even white.
5. China is the largest producer of Tomatoes.
6. Tomatoes can keep longer if you store them with their stem down.
7. The heaviest tomato was 3.51 kg, the largest tomato plant reached 19.8 meters, and the biggest tomato tree managed to grow 32 thousand tomatoes that weighed 522 kg.
8. Tomatoes rapidly lose their Vitamin C if sunlight can reach them while they are stored.
9. Tomato plant leaves are toxic.
10. Tomatoes reduces the risk of cancer, prevents cardiovascular diseases, cleanses cigarette smoke carcinogens, abound in minerals and vitamins, alleviate hypertension, regulate blood levels, aids in dissolving gallstones, lessen the seve… 1 reply
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It’s another episode of FRUITY FACTS🤗🎉
Today we are discussing CUCUMBERS🥒🥒
1. Cucumbers originate from south East Asia.
2. Cucumbers can be up to 2 foot long!
3. A raw cucumber is actually 95% water.
4. Cucumbers contain Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6, folic acid, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.
5. Cucumbers can be grown in soilless medium, such as in water (hydroponic).
6. The large leaves on a cucumber plant provide shading for the developing fruits.
7. Cucumber plants climb by tendrils, which are thin spiralling shoots.
8. Cucumbers can cool the body and the blood, which gave rise to the phrase ‘cool as a cucumber’.
9. Cucumbers contain some carbohydrates, so can act as an energy pick me up mid afternoon.
10. A slice of cucumber pressed to the roof of your mouth for 30 seconds can kill bacteria and freshen the breath!
11. The cooling effects of cucumber can soothe sunburn. Mix up a puree and apply it to affected areas.… 1 reply
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