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Rawgold pfp
Not too late to celebrate myself…. It was my Birthday Yesterday🥹❤️ Grateful to God for His faithful. Say me a prayer🎉
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Rawgold pfp
Happy birthday sir @investorawesum
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Rawgold pfp
Hi! We're back💃💃💃💃
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Rawgold pfp
Hi Frends❤🤭 It's been a long While on here and even a longer while on #FRUITY FACTS🥺🥰 HOWEVER, we are resuming again! Who missed me and the factsss?????? So, Do you have a fruit you will like us to talk about?or we haven't even discussed your favorite fruit????? Awww🥺 Kindly drop it in the comment section and we would do Justice to it! LET'S GOOOOOO💃💃💃💃 @taiwo6006 @justsmile001 @investorawesum @melody11 It's good to be back to L2💃🥰🤭
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Rawgold pfp
Happy Independence day Nigeria💃
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Rawgold pfp
Hi Frends😊 Its another Episode of FRUITY FACTS 🥰 Today, we're discussing TANGERINES🍊 🍊 DID YOU KNOW?⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ 1. Tangerines belongs to the citrus family. It is technically a hybrid of the mandarin and the pomelo. 2. Tangerine tree is much smaller than most of the other citrus fruit trees. 3. Tangerines are easier to peel than other citrus fruits and are sometimes known as ‘easy peelers’. 4. Tangerines are named after the place from where they were first shipped to Europe – Tangier in Morocco. 5. Tangerines used to be nicknamed the ‘Christmas Orange’ because they were often stuffed in children’s Christmas stockings. 6. Because tangerines are easily crossed with other types of citrus, about 200 different types of tangerines have been created. 7. Tangerine essential oil can be used to help soothe anxious feelings and manage stress 8. Tangerines are water-rich fruits packed with vitamin C and antioxidants. They’re also good sources of other vitamins and minerals, such…
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Rawgold pfp
Hello Phaverians🙃 Its another Episode of FRUITY FACTS😉 Today, we're discussing STRAWBERRIES 🍓🍓🍓 DID YOU KNOW?⁉️⁉️ 1. The average strawberry has 200 seeds. 2. Strawberry contains more Vitamin C than oranges. Shocked?Me too🤣 3. Technically berries have seeds on the inside and they don’t come from a single ovary, so strawberries are really in a group all their own. 4. Strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in the spring. 5. In addition to red, strawberries can be white, pink, yellow, and golden-hued. These varieties are created by crossing wild strawberries and saving the seeds from the different hued plants. 6. One acre of land can grow about 50,000 pounds of strawberries. 7. The fear of Strawberry is called fragariaphobia. 8. Ancient Romans used the berries to treat everything from depression to fever and sore throats. 9. The flavor is influenced by weather, variety, and ripeness when harvested. 10. The perfect temperature for strawberry plants is between 55 and 78 degrees. …
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Rawgold pfp
Yay🎉!! On today's episode of FRUITY FACTS we are discussing COCONUTS🥥 🥥 DID YOU KNOW?⁉️⁉️ 1. The coconut tree is botanically named Cocus Nucifera and they can grow up to 82 feet (25 meters) high. 2. The name coconut is actually a combination of nut, and the Portuguese word coco, meaning head of skull 3. Coconut water contains 94% water(on average) with approximately 46 calories a cup. 4. A coconut tree can produce up to 180 coconuts during a single harvest. 5. Coconut oils contain MCT’s, a medium-chain triglycerides which are easy to digest. 6.The oil is a source of energy and has an accelerating effect on metabolism. Coconut oils are very healthy and good for your heart. 7. Coconut oils also contain four growth hormones, called cytokinins, and three sets of chromosomes that help the development of many organisms.  8. Coconut can be used in hair regrowth and anti-ageing cosmetics. 9. Coconuts, in different forms, are anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-parasite. …
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Rawgold pfp
Hello Frends🥰 On today's episode of Fruity Facts, we are discussing CORN🌽🌽 DID YOU KNOW?⁉️⁉️ 1. Corn cobs always have an even number of rows. 2. While many consider corn a vegetable, it’s actually both a grain and a fruit. 3. Some types of corn include; dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, popcorn, flour corn, sweet corn and so on. 4. The world record for the tallest corn stalk is more than 35 feet. 5. An acre of corn eliminates 8 tons of carbon dioxide from our air. 6. There are 125 calories in a cup of corn. 7. Maize is a Taino word that means “sacred mother” or “giver of life”. 8. One corn plant produces one to three cobs each. 9. More than 90 million acres on earth are dedicated to producing corn. 10. Corn was first domesticated in southern Mexico more than 10,000 years ago. 11. Corn is used in foods like cereal, potato chips, soft drinks, cooking oil, and more. 12. Corn is used in non-food items like fireworks, glue, fabric, crayons, fuel, paint, laundry detergent, cosmetics, …
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Rawgold pfp
Its been 2 month and I haven't been receiving cred points because I haven't been able to verify my anima cred I need help @phaverapp @investorawesum @taiwo6006
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Rawgold pfp
Hello frends❤️ Its another episode of FRUITY FACTS🥂 Today, we are reviewing TOMATOES🍅🍅 DID YOU KNOW?⁉️⁉️ 1. Tomatoes are technically fruits and not veggies 2. Tere are more than 25,000 varieties of tomatoes. 3. 3. 94.5% of the tomato’s weight is water. 4. Tomatoes are usually red but can also be yellow, green, pink, purple, black, and even white. 5. China is the largest producer of Tomatoes. 6. Tomatoes can keep longer if you store them with their stem down. 7. The heaviest tomato was 3.51 kg, the largest tomato plant reached 19.8 meters, and the biggest tomato tree managed to grow 32 thousand tomatoes that weighed 522 kg. 8. Tomatoes rapidly lose their Vitamin C if sunlight can reach them while they are stored. 9. Tomato plant leaves are toxic. 10. Tomatoes reduces the risk of cancer, prevents cardiovascular diseases, cleanses cigarette smoke carcinogens, abound in minerals and vitamins, alleviate hypertension, regulate blood levels, aids in dissolving gallstones, lessen the seve…
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Rawgold pfp
It’s another episode of FRUITY FACTS🤗🎉 Today we are discussing CUCUMBERS🥒🥒 DID YOU KNOW🤭⁉️⁉️ 1. Cucumbers originate from south East Asia. 2. Cucumbers can be up to 2 foot long! 3. A raw cucumber is actually 95% water. 4. Cucumbers contain Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6, folic acid, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. 5. Cucumbers can be grown in soilless medium, such as in water (hydroponic). 6. The large leaves on a cucumber plant provide shading for the developing fruits. 7. Cucumber plants climb by tendrils, which are thin spiralling shoots. 8. Cucumbers can cool the body and the blood, which gave rise to the phrase ‘cool as a cucumber’. 9. Cucumbers contain some carbohydrates, so can act as an energy pick me up mid afternoon. 10. A slice of cucumber pressed to the roof of your mouth for 30 seconds can kill bacteria and freshen the breath! 11. The cooling effects of cucumber can soothe sunburn. Mix up a puree and apply it to affected areas.…
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Rawgold pfp
Happy birthday my boy🥹❤️
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Rawgold pfp
Hello Fam❤️ It’s another episode of FRUITY FACTS🤗💃 Today, we are discussing PAPAYA, popularly known as PAWPAW in NIGERIA DID YOU KNOW?⁉️⁉️ 1. Botanically, papaya is a berry.  2. Christopher Columbus nicknamed papayas as the ‘Fruit of the Angels’.  3. Papain, an enzyme extracted from papayas is known to be an excellent meat tenderizer and it is also used in the manufacture of chewing gums.  4. Global Papaya Month is observed every year in September 5. The black seeds sheltered inside ripe papayas taste like black pepper and are used as a substitute to black pepper corns in certain countries.  6. There are 2 types of papayas – Mexican and Hawaiian. 7. Bark and stem of papaya trees are used to manufacture ropes.  8. Young papaya leaves are used in salads and even blanched and cooked like spinach.  9. The papaya tree does not have any branch. 10. All parts of the papaya tree have latex.  11. A small-sized papaya offers 300% of the daily recommended dose of vitamin C.  12. A t…
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Rawgold pfp
Help Phaverians! It’s been a minute! Welcome to another Episode of FRUITY FACTS🎉 Today, we are discussing DATES🌴🌴 DID YOU KNOW😳⁉️⁉️ 1. Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree, scientifically known as Phoenix dactylifera. 2. Dates are believed to have originated around Iraq and have been cult…
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Rawgold pfp
Hi Frendsss🔥😊 Welcome to another episode of FRUITY FACTS🥂 We are discussing GUAVA today💃💃 DID YOU KNOW⁉️⁉️⁉️ 1. Guava is used to treat an array of ailments including fever, constipation and diarrhea, high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia and dysentery. 2. Guava wood is prized in the wo…
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Rawgold pfp
Good Morning Frends😌 It’s another episode of FRUITY FACTS🔥 Today, we are discussing WATERMELONS 🍉🍉🍉 DID YOU KNOW?⁉️⁉️ * Watermelons, hence their name, are made up of 92% water * Watermelon is one of the only foods to be classified as both a fruit and a vegetable * Watermelon is a relative…
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Rawgold pfp
Hello Frends😌❤️ On today’s episode of FRUITY FACTS⁉️ we will be discussing APPLES🍎🍎 DID YOU KNOW🫵⁉️ 1. Apple trees take 4-5 years to produce their first fruit. A standard size apple tree starts bearing fruit 8-10 years after it is planted. A dwarf tree starts bearing fruit in 3-5 years.…
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