JimmyFBucklets🏀🎸  pfp
New Valley campaign on #Solayer streamed in Episodes 🗒️start date: [redacted] 🗒️end date: July 4th Wen product releases, eligible members can redeem hidden 💎 for their contribution to the community. 🗒️note: participating in Episodes is the only way to receive any rewards. there will be several. 3/6 of the list must be checked as prerequisites to participate in EP 1 As far as I see Epoch1 still ongoin, U can get there before 50M limit closes (for now is 48.47M) Abs no brainer if U still holdin $SOL or wanna buy some now https://app.solayer.org/ Enter codes: BW4V2U A3ISD5 WTKFJG 65CCMR VVXBCB More info here https://x.com/solayer_labs
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