Holly💎 pfp



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Holly💎 pfp
Wake up guys!
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Holly💎 pfp
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Holly💎 pfp
have you seen anything more appetizing today?😛
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Holly💎 pfp
Politics in 2024:
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Holly💎 pfp
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Holly💎 pfp
Breakfast in France Yes or No?
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Holly💎 pfp
Breakfast ~ banana chocolate chip mini pancakes 🥞 🍫 🍌
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Holly💎 pfp
But mostly, I found warmth in both the food and the act, so I make one for my mother too. 🐓🐣🍚
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Holly💎 pfp
Lao Tzu “Only he who has power can give it to others.” “Knowledge of harmony is called constancy. Knowledge of constancy is called wisdom. The enrichment of life is called happiness. Striving to control the senses is called perseverance.” “He who knows how to stand firm cannot be overturned. He who knows how to lean, cannot be toppled.” “The overcoming of the difficult begins with the easy, the realization of the great begins with the small, for in the world the difficult is formed from the easy, and the great from the small.” “The Perfectly Wise One accumulates nothing. He does everything for people and gives everything to others.”
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Holly💎 pfp
5 Wise Quotes from Confucius "A precious stone cannot be polished without friction. Neither can a person become successful without enough hard attempts." "If you are spat on in the back, it means you are going forward." "Sometimes we see many things but miss the main point." "Study as if you are constantly feeling the lack of your knowledge, and as if you are constantly afraid of losing your knowledge." "When, having made a mistake, you do not correct it, it is called making a mistake."
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Holly💎 pfp
5 Wise Quotes from Buddha 1. "The fool who knows his folly is thereby already wise. A fool who thinks himself wise is truly a fool." 2. "Even if a person has done good, let him do it again and again, let him build his intentions on it. The accumulation of good is joyful." 3. "As a sturdy rock cannot be moved by the wind, so the sages are steadfast in the midst of blasphemies and praises." 4. "Things that are bad and harmful to oneself are easy to do. What is good and beneficial is extremely difficult to do." 5. "He who has destroyed envy can attain concentration day and night."
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Holly💎 pfp
we have waited for this day
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Holly💎 pfp
Xipé Totec - “Our master is spread out.” The Aztec fertility god of the land, Xipe Totec, was usually depicted in a spread human skin, symbolizing the death of the old and the growth of new vegetation. The eerie-sounding nickname in Nahuatl originated from the legend that the Aztec god spread his skin to feed mankind. The veneration of Xipe Totec was usually accompanied by human sacrifices, which were performed during the March festival of Tlacaxipehualiztli, which literally translates to “spreading people.” The captive was tied to a stone, given a makuahuitl, a wooden club with obsidian blades made of feathers instead of knives, and forced to “fight” an Aztec warrior. His skin was then ritually processed and put on Xipe Totec reconstructors, who were worshipped and treated as gods. These reconstructors were then killed, their hearts cut out, their skins worn by Aztec priests for 20 days, and then discarded to represent the rebirth aspect of Xipe Totec.
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Holly💎 pfp
Chalchiuhtlikue - “She who wears the green skirt.” The wife (or sometimes sister) of Tlaloc, Chalchiuhtlikue was the Aztec goddess of running water and all water elements. Like other water deities, Chalchiuhtlikue was often associated with snakes. She was most often depicted wearing a green or blue skirt with a trickle of water flowing out of it. Chalchiuhtlikue was also the patroness of childbirth and the protector of newborns. In Aztec mythology, she played a key role in the Mexican version of the Flood myth. However, despite the cataclysmic flood, she turned people into fish and thus saved them. The celebration of Chalchiuhtlikue usually included rituals such as fasting, feasting, bloodletting, and cruel human sacrifices, sometimes even of women and children.
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Holly💎 pfp
Tlaloc - “He who makes things sprout.” The mysterious rain god Tlaloc was depicted wearing a mask with large round eyes and long fangs. He bears a striking resemblance to Chak, the Mayan rain god. Tlaloc was considered to be both a benevolent deity, providing life-giving rain for crops, and an inexorable, destructive being, sending storms and drought. He was associated with any meteorological phenomena associated with rain, such as storms, floods, lightning, ice and snow. He also ruled over the otherworldly paradise of Talocan, which contained victims of floods, storms, and diseases such as leprosy. Tlaloc's main sanctuary was second only to the Huitzilopochtli sanctuary atop the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan (Templo Mayor).
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Holly💎 pfp
Tonatiuh is the “Turquoise Lord.” Tonatiuh was a sun god and was depicted as a symbolic solar disk and sometimes as a squatting man with a disk on his back. Tonatiuh was a nourishing deity who required sacrificial blood to provide people with warmth. He was also the patron saint of warriors. In many Mesoamerican cultures of the Postclassic period, the hearts of victims were seen as symbolic food for the sun. Tonatiuh was the god most associated with ritual sacrifice; he needed food for his daily victory over darkness. Warriors were tasked with defeating and collecting prisoners of war, many of whom were chosen as sacrifices to him.
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Holly💎 pfp
Revered as the “mother of gods and mortals,” Coatlicue was the female god who gave birth to the stars and moon. Her face consisted of two snake fangs, her skirt was made of intertwined snakes, and around her neck was a necklace of hands, hearts, and skulls. The Coatlika was feared as much as loved, and she symbolized the antiquity of earth worship and procreation. She was also associated with warfare, government, and agriculture. In Aztec mythology, Coatlicue was a priestess who was sweeping the sanctuary on the legendary sacred mountain of Coatepec when a ball of feathers fell from the sky and impregnated her. The resulting child was Huitzilopochtli, the god of war.
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Holly💎 pfp
Quetzalcoatl is the “Feathered Serpent.” Tezcatlipoca's brother Quetzalcoatl was the god of wind and rain, reason and introspection. He plays a key role in other Mesoamerican cultures such as Teotihuacan and the Maya. His nagual was a mixture of bird and rattlesnake, and his name combined the Nahuatl words “Quetzal” (“bird with emerald plumage”) and “Coatl” (“snake”). As the patron of science and education, Quetzalcoatl invented the calendar and books. He was also identified with the planet Venus. It is believed that together with his dog-headed companion Xolotl, Quetzalcoatl descended into the land of death to collect the bones of the ancient dead. He then poured his blood into the bones and revived humanity.
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Holly💎 pfp
Tezcatlipoca - The Smoking Mirror. Huitzilopochtli's rival as the most important Aztec god was Tezcatlipoca, the god of the night sky, ancestral memory and time. His nagual was a jaguar. Tezcatlipoca was one of the most important gods of the Postclassic Mesoamerican culture and the supreme deity of the Toltecs, the northern Nahua-speaking warriors. The Aztecs believed that Huitzilopochtli and Tezcatlipoca created the world together. However, Tezcatlipoca was an evil force often associated with death and cold. The eternal opposite of his brother Quetzalcoatl, the Lord of the Night carries an obsidian mirror. In the Nahuatl language, his name translates as “smoking mirror”.
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Holly💎 pfp
Huitzilopochtli is the “hummingbird of the south.” Huitzilopochtli was the father of the Aztecs and the supreme god of the Mexicans. His nagual, or animal spirit, was the eagle. Unlike many other Aztec deities, Huitzilopochtli was essentially a Mexican deity with no counterpart in the earlier cultures of Mesoamerica. He was both the Aztec god of war, the Aztec sun god, and the god of Tenochtitlan. This inextricably linked the “hunger” of the gods to the Aztec penchant for ritual warfare. His sanctuary was located at the top of the Templo Major pyramid in the Aztec capital and was decorated with skulls and painted red, symbolizing blood. In Aztec mythology, Huitzilopochtli feuded with his sister and moon goddess Coyolxauhqui. Thus, the sun and moon were constantly fighting for control of the sky. It was believed that Huitzilopochtli was accompanied by the spirits of fallen warriors, whose spirits returned to earth in the form of hummingbirds, and the spirits of women who died in childbirth.
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