Predictions for 2025 about AI 1. A company/product valued at $1B will emerge, created by a person with no technical skills, using only AI tools. 2. An AI persona on social media platforms (YouTube, podcasts, Instagram, Twitter) will gain over 100M followers. 3. One or more companies from the S&P 500 will drop out of the list because their product/service will be automated and commoditized through AI. 4. A journal article in a publication like The Lancet or Nature will feature AI as a co-author. 5. There will be over one million on-chain AI agents with a combined market capitalization exceeding $10B. 6. OpenAI, Anthropic, or Meta will release AI-specific hardware and a browser. 7. AI, robots, and drones will become a critical part of U.S. national security strategy. 8. The first fully generative video game will be released and make it to the top charts on Steam.
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