craabit pfp



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craabit pfp
Thanks a lot @vinayvasanji.eth & @king 🙏 I shall spend the rest of the weekend figuring out what all of that means. 😅
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craabit pfp
Anyone know?
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craabit pfp
Is it possible to run a chatbot in a frame?
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See you at FarCon đŸ€™ pfp
See you at FarCon đŸ€™
I’ve launched a store filled with books on startups and business. Search by describing what you’re looking for. The collection will grow over time. You can also add to it yourself and earn a little cash if someone buys your recommendation.
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craabit pfp
.a partner at the consulting firm we had hired to help us through the mess started drawing circles and a stick person on a flip chart and yelled: “don’t you get it..this is the farmer if he doesn’t have any potatoes he’s done.” We eventually pulled through. I'd still like to punch him.
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craabit pfp
1/2 Back in the day I was working at, and later running, our family company. Due to dumb investments and stupid timing, we almost went under. I remember as if it was yesterday: we were weeks, maybe days away from having to hand over the keys...
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craabit pfp
I'm gauging interest in a (paid) community to - define - design - deploy early startups. -- The boring way to describe it: a go-to-market community. A better way: creating new economic realities. -- Industry agnostic. But I'd prefer web3. -- 👉 More here: -- ❓Interesting OR Meh?
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craabit pfp
Who are the few you know? 😁
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Open to the Public pfp
Open to the Public
Open to the Public (OTTP) is an open protocol. - Co-create with your network. - Attest to contributions onchain. - Own your collaboration graph, forever.
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craabit pfp
Maybe worth adding: you always have a “brand” whether you actively make it a business asset or not.
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craabit pfp
yeah! Agree with everything said here! đŸ•șđŸ€©
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craabit pfp
Hahaha đŸ€Ł
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craabit pfp
Awesome! Thanks! I’ll check it out.
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craabit pfp
Thank you! 😀
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craabit pfp
People shouting "Farcaster, Farcaster, Farcaster!" have been clogging my feed on LinkedIn the last few days. đŸ€Ł
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craabit pfp
Facebook can’t succeed as long as it’s all internet people.
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craabit pfp
Nice...thanks! I didn't know about frames until 24 hours ago and now I REALLY "need" this! 😂
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Adam pfp
I think of this moment often. It's a reminder that some people are bereft of imagination and the ability to see beyond what they’re familiar with. There will always be skeptics. Don't let their smug arrogance get the best of you. With persistence and vision, you'll likely have the last laugh
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craabit pfp
Hm...I'm torn. In my time I've seen more business partnerships fall apart than succeed. And when the ones that fell apart did so in a really, really bad way. But I do miss not having someone cover my weak spots and bounce stuff back and forth with.
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craabit pfp
Nice. Is there a complete visual identity to see anywhere? Who made it?
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