CBobRobison pfp
DAOpunks launches next Tuesday leading up to the CryptoPunks event at Beeple Studios on Sept 30th. To celebrate, we're giving away 1 DAOpunk to the highest winner of any of the ~10 remaining Goerli testnet auctions between now and then. Current top bid: 5 Goerli ETH 🏆 Bid now at daopunks.wtf
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CBobRobison pfp
DAOpunks is a fork of Nouns w/ 3 new rules: 1. We introduced rarity (ex, prob of a Zombie DAOpunk getting generated is 0.88%, same as CryptoPunks) 2. No duplicates can occur (no DAOpunk will ever look like a CryptoPunks; they're new & original) 3. The community treasury is co-governed by DAOpunk + CryptoPunk holders
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Lior At Far(Away)Con pfp
Lior At Far(Away)Con
This is cool! How does the geth in treasury play here as an incentive for growing the brand when doesn't have the real economic value that usually plays a key role in any nounish dao model?
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