Sean C pfp

Sean C


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Sean C pfp
Sean C
An easy step to improve mindfulness - pause every time you're about to make a decision to observe what emotion you're feeling in the moment.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
You can pretty effectively group people into those two respect the status quo and those who challenge it.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
The power of ideas.. But bad ideas can be just as powerful as good ones...
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
Trying to improve my attention span by multitasking less. Be less productive to be more productive.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
Too quick to categorize new information based on past patterns...
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
Keep an eye on how news and media is framed. You'll react differently to the same news depending on how they word it...
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
The first and easiest bias to try and recognize is that we seek out information that confirms what we already think.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
Just because you were right once doesn't mean you're more likely to be right again.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
The good news is that this years capital gains tax bill isn't looking so bad anymore...
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
Too many choices and we don't know what to choose. When in doubt, simplify.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
Just because something is due doesn't mean it's going to happen.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
All too easy to make decisions that feel right emotionally but aren't supported by the facts.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
People that have a fear of making the wrong choice are biased towards inaction and don't shoot their shot. People that are biased towards action tend to keep changing their minds, overtrade, or fail to stick to a plan. Most have some of both in us.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
Will the Smart Wallet add the ability to rotate passkeys or set up a multisig? Passkey based multisig would be incredible for power users.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
Creating stories ex post facto from random events... The human experience.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
Most of us invest in the things that we like, but that often leads to overlooking weaknesses. Hard to view anything completely objectively. Have to at least recognize the bias.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
Something about our psychology leads us to instinctively prefer smaller immediate rewards over larger delayed ones. A long term mindset can mean going against your first instinct. Good marketing teams will also capitalize on this with the steady drip of short term dopamine.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
Amazing how quickly we anchor to the current price as 'normal'.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
The natural intuition is to sell assets when they've gone up in value and to keep holding the ones that haven't gone up yet but this is a losing philosophy. Assets outperform for a reason. No need to end up with all your chips on an underperformer.
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Sean C pfp
Sean C
Losses feel worse than gains of the same size but you have to learn to get over that feeling and take risks anyway.
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