cool man pfp

cool man


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cool man pfp
cool man
real af
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cool man pfp
cool man
my mom has been doing this and her children are all older than 25 lmao. but she babysits too
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cool man pfp
cool man
Nah it ended up being more of an exploration of the idea. Things have a way of getting their return though.
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cool man pfp
cool man
a typewriter
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cool man pfp
cool man
Not Zero
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cool man pfp
cool man
i have been thinking about something like this for a while, at least as far back as this shortly pursued "milady skill barter" effort back in 22. but this was just using miladys as the stake, basically, and being a task-barter based exchange
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cool man pfp
cool man
ex: assuming there are 10 photographer tasks outstanding each for 500, the stake to certify as photographer should be representative, so maybe like 500 upfront stake, returned once you complete 3 tasks. Something like that.
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cool man pfp
cool man
Then as for what extra you get back upon completing a certain number of tasks you are certifying for, im not entirely sure where it comes from. But i feel like there'd be a way to drive it based on aggregate activity, assuming the protocol could pick up steam
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cool man pfp
cool man
i think it could depend on what expertise is being certified would influence the amount req to stake upfront. Could factor in the amount of demand for that expertise as well, esp if you had on-chain total of outstanding work-to-be-done by ppl with it.
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cool man pfp
cool man
ive thought about stake based cred as way to init the whole thing. something like: stake X to certify youre {good plubmer} & its locked until you do Y number of on chain certified {plumbing jobs} attested by others. slashed if yr prove not to be as you say. perhaps yield from overall cred based activity of others.
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cool man pfp
cool man
is a cool idea! on chain rep will be big. have thought about cred for certain expertise a lot in the past. have you thought about how that would work on creddd? i imagine so lol
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cool man pfp
cool man
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cool man pfp
cool man
frame that lets users RSVP for events and handles door-check interaction IRL based on their @ (still figuring out what frames are and what they could be good for... am i doin it right?)
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cool man pfp
cool man
L2 plans? could really pop with the current meme fun going on
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cool man pfp
cool man
gm (took a 25 min nap)
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cool man pfp
cool man
yeah thats pain, i admit.
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cool man pfp
cool man
for my cs cohort, this was us all getting into dwarf fortress
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cool man pfp
cool man
i like kitty as terminal, tho i feel like after learning the basic key shortcuts im pretty much locked in regardless of how i feel about it compared to others... recently FINALLY switched to zsh after being bash holdout. vscodium > vs code. iStatMenus for simple topbar metrics
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cool man pfp
cool man
hi everyone, its me, cool man
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