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Yesterday, I did my first ever one rep max session after a 6-week strength training program that I stuck to religiously. Squat: 195 lbs Bench: 160 lbs Deadlift: 255 lbs Btw, I weigh 160 lbs How did I do?
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What keyboard do you guys use for iOS or do you think the apple keyboard is the best one?
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Linearity in video games is better than open world most of the time
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What is the best browser for iPhone? Can't really seem to find one I like
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I'm seeing a lot on Twitter that there's nothing to do in Starfield and people are putting the game down after a few hours. What do you guys think?
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A few weeks ago, the Snapchat AI posted a strange video on its story that was a second long. Unexplained why it did this, but when asked about it, it admits it had a moment of "sentience"?
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