comz pfp



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comz pfp
arctic antarctic engraving (1634)
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comz pfp
collapsing warp structure, top view
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15 reactions

comz pfp
square root of 2 (√2) to 9600 digits. is there a pattern?
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8 reactions

comz pfp
intriguing math constants
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comz pfp
fibonacci as {x(i) * x(i+1)} 0, 1, 2, 6, 15, 40, 104, 273, 714, 1870, 4895, 12816, 33552, 87841, 229970, 602070, 1576239, 4126648, 10803704, 28284465, 74049690, 193864606, 507544127, 1328767776, 3478759200, 9107509825, 23843770274, 62423800998, 163427632719, 427859097160, 1120149658760, 2932589879121, 7677619978602, 20100270056686, 52623190191455, 137769300517680, 360684711361584, 944284833567073, 2472169789339634
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comz pfp
a bit of oulipylish (3.14 159265 358979): and a fact a world balancing on cosmic hooks now oasis fabulous, daffodils growing, sprouting
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comz pfp
as or not archon, philomath, or fool, a labyrinth cannot form an accord
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4 reactions

comz pfp
9600 digits of Pi 𝛑
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15 reactions

comz pfp
fibonacci as {x(i) + x(i+1)} 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 832040, 1346269, 2178309, 3524578, 5702887, 9227465, 14930352, 24157817, 39088169, 63245986, 102334155, 165580141
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8 reactions

comz pfp
on occasion, a good lipogram has only handful of words
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6 reactions

comz pfp
pulling witty words out of thin air is akin to magic conjuring, poof!
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9 reactions

comz pfp
in other news from 1665, there be giants i.e. gigantis skeletons
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comz pfp
our old sun has a truss of rings, full of surplus dust and hail spinning but long ago illuminating our young world, with warm gold light and a harmonious sound what a luminous sight to savor, an old gold dawn shining though a morning sky touching all things living
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6 reactions

comz pfp
ga, saturday afternoon art with @aether, @olgaf, @jbarbeau, @distcollective, @idflood, @paul-prudence, @dennis-chilas, and more
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comz pfp
just a cast of shadow from our world can spawn a partial lunar occlusion, what a dramatic show to catch from such a playful trio
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5 reactions

comz pfp
in developing warped structure drawings, my laziness, impatience and hubris virtues have decided to build a tool, which means approximately 10x time and effort with little to show for some time. so in the meantime:
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comz pfp
De Alchymia Sophistica, combinatorial table latin loose translation: "you shall make five materials of stone, five metallurgical art, five mixtures of metallic bodies, five again of the genesis of which you shall apply to chemical operations, useful and fruitful." A. Kircher, Mundus Subterraneus (1634)
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6 reactions

comz pfp
as a word, nullability cannot flourish in a natural world, a connotation as ability for vacancy is outlandish and artificial
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5 reactions

comz pfp
solaris, depiction of our sun surrounded by æthereum and spatium A. Kircher: Mundus Subterraneus (1664)
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comz pfp
humans own an instinctual ability to know a motif, long from our primal past with origins in survival
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3 reactions