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My Svelte arc might be here: Been working on this project. Decided to use Remix. Remix uses vite now so the dev experience is pretty good. Everything works but I hate the flat file routing. It's so confusing. There's _ in front, _ at the bark, $ in front, Outlet nesting. Overall, Nextjs routing is superior by far (it's not even close). But okay, I learn the routing system and I'm killing it. My DEVEX is up to the moon, I'm putting 4 commits per second. I'm happy. vDeploying to vercel also seems smooth, they have remix deploy settings in on click. I do that and everything is fine. Until.... I realize my db doesn't connect on vercel. First I though my env wasn't going through for some reason (but I parse it so it should never even get to that point if it wasn't). Then I kept playing around the the local code changing things left right and center and deploying. Same error. va Nva vaI then made small repro but on Nextjs. Suddenly the db can now connect. Now I'm confused. I messaged the db founder
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2) No reply for now. Decided it was not worth the wait and moved the entire project to Next. Nextjs installs version 15 with React 19 (still in canary). Nah. I don't want to work with something too hot. Uninstalled stuff and now using version 18. Now I'm back to the slow Nextjs dev environment because remix refuses to connect to my db. Plain react + vite is such a joy to work with. The only reason I use these frameworks is, I want a server and I don't want to deploy two applications.
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