So with NFTs basically shitting the bed recently…what are people buidling that’s going to bring the next big wave in NFTs?
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go bears! good question - big issue rn is nfts are one off payments, incentives are misaligned imo. not sure what the right fix is 🤔
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Recurring payments associated to an NFT may solve some of these issues
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Can you elaborate? I helped build something similar to this but the margins were still too low to make it sustainable for a dev team to keep it operational.
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There’s a handful of players working on recurring crypto payments (Unlock, Loop, etc). I’m launching something soon at @paragraph along these lines: NFT stays active for as long as recurring payments continue
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Can you ELI5 what this does from an economic standpoint and why my normie friends would want this? Not being disparaging just want to understand.
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Are your normie friends into crypto? If not then I doubt they’d care, but they can still pull out a credit card and purchase these via the aforementioned solutions
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Only a few of them. But what does recurring payment mean here? I keep paying for the NFT in order for it to stay alive? Like some money induced game of keepy uppy?
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