Colin pfp
TIL Patreon's estimated revenue in 2021 is $160m, and Substack's is $11.9m. Anecdotal but I don't know anyone using Patreon yet know tons on Substack. Would have assumed less of a delta.
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Thumbs Up 🎩 pfp
Thumbs Up 🎩
These patronage businesses take too big of a cut. I was with BuyMeACoffee when I started blogging and it was awesome that a lot of people wanted to support but between PayPal and BMaC I was getting like $3.5 of every $5.
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Colin pfp
Yeah, take rates do seem to be high for these platforms. Crypto should help with this imo. Crypto recurring subscription on some L2 = ultra cheap gas, no intermediaries, and small take rate depending on platform implementation
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ken pfp
Is there a good solution for recurring billing with crypto yet? My understanding is that automatic payments were difficult because each automatic payment has to be signed by the wallet
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Thumbs Up 🎩 pfp
Thumbs Up 🎩
Woop Pay is a cool option for a BuyMeACoffee / Kofi type tipping. I’m planning to put a button on my posts. I also use see Mirror/Paragraph collects as a form of patronage, and I have a patronage NFT which people can mint to support and unlock Q&A and other future perks. Once Zora is on L2 I’ll probably expand this
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Arjan✒️ That Poetry Guy 🎩 pfp
Arjan✒️ That Poetry Guy 🎩
You raise a good point there: the gas needs to be ultra cheap, otherwise it get prohibitive to transactions.
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