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Cole Perkins
$nouns can't be the only solution right now. There's a limit on how many Nouns can be deposited before it impacts governance. The more Nouns in $nouns, the harder it is to pass proposals. While great for instant swaps and fractionalizing Nouns, it can strain governance until more Nouns are issued and the pool grows organically. The issue with $nouns (or any token that fractionalizes Nouns) is that it removes Nouns from the governance pool, making them unable to vote. This isn't necessarily bad, as these tokens add value. However, unlike regular Nouns, treasury Nouns don't count towards the vote quorum. Currently, about half of all Nouns are locked in the treasury. Swapping for these Nouns requires a proposal and a DAO vote, which is inefficient and costly. We've been thinking about how to improve the swap experience for treasury Nouns and we designed the TimelockNFTSwapper contract with this in mind. We'll be here to answer any questions and will be on the Nouncil call on Thursday if you want to join
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