Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
And that's a wrap for phase one! 226,463 contributions to the ceremony, from 46,653 unique contributors. The site has been slightly updated so in preparation for phase two, with rollout of the updated ceremony client for the next phase set for May 17th, 11:00pm PDT.
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Colin Johnson @ Farcon ➡️ pfp
Colin Johnson @ Farcon ➡️
Is that small Readme available for someone who wants to join in late now for Phase 2?
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
Phase 2 doesn’t start until tomorrow evening 😄 it’ll be on the GitHub repo with the update. I was hoping to get the public repo (I’m not using GitHub for the actual project) stood up but other more important things are getting in the way, so working towards most optimal path with limited resources 😅
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