🪷 pfp
has anyone seen reporting that indicates if Vision Pro will support multiple users / Apple IDs? It's somewhat understandable that Apple intends iPhones to be used by a single user, but for a $3,500 product, I'm curious if Apple will support multiple users
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clun.eth pfp
I think the face cover will be highly customized to the user (they measure your face at the Apple Store, then give you one of maybe a dozen different face covers) to go with it so it would probably not be as comfortable to wear if you shared it.
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🪷 pfp
Yeah, it looks like the Light Seal and optical inserts will be conveniently swappable
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clun.eth pfp
If they are swappable then theoretically you could buy a spare one for the other person using it. BUT seeing as even the iPad is not multi-user yet I don’t think we will be seeing it for Apple Vision. You would need to enroll two different pairs of eyes etc which may be janky UX etc.
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🪷 pfp
during the Voices of VR podcast episode about Vision Pro, according to a conversation with an Apple engineer, the device will not support kiosk or multi-user mode I wonder how you would share the device with a friend if Optic ID works similar to Face ID and is required to unlock it cc @df https://is.gd/lRTJpB 13:10
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clun.eth pfp
Yeah good question! if your friend comes over and just wants to try it out, what do you do? If you have an iPhone you can just unlock it and show it to them but not sure what to do here? Maybe you can turn off OpticID temporarily?
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🪷 pfp
Yeah, turn off Optic ID, or one will be able to set a longer unlock time so it won't lock while passing to a friend
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