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clun.eth pfp
This was a situation in a game I just played (I am black). Can you spot the tactic for black that leads to winning a bunch of material?
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Milos ๐Ÿค– ๐ŸŽฉ pfp
Milos ๐Ÿค– ๐ŸŽฉ
1. ... Bb2 2. Kb1 Nc3 3. Kb2 Nd1 4. Kc1 Ne3 Black is ahead by 9 points of material, the queen is under attack, and there is a threat of Qa1 that can take a rook.
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patchface pfp
Bb2+, Kb1, Bxa3?
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Leo will be at Far(away) Con pfp
Leo will be at Far(away) Con
Bb2! Kb1 Kc3! Nxb2 Nxd1! Kc1 Then it gets a bit shaky, bc the Knight could take on e3, or we could do the below Qa1! Kd2 Rbd8! Ke2 Nc3! Kf2 Qxh1 Qxc3 White has a pinned bishop, Black has two rooks and an extra pawn, plus has the initiative and can take on h3 ??
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