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tedi🎭 pfp
Sui Crypto Integrates FDUSD to Boost Ecosystem Liquidity FDUSD has finally gone live on the SUI Network’s Layer 1 network. The stablecoin is on the rise and will help boost overall liquidity. Market expectations for SUI remain high after the recent price overheating. Sui Crypto Network, a Layer 1 blockchain, has taken a significant step forward in boosting liquidity and driving innovation in its ecosystem. In a strategic move, the network has integrated FDUSD, one of its new stablecoins. This marks FDUSD’s first expansion onto a new blockchain since its launch last summer. The collaboration highlights Sui’s commitment to bridging the gap between traditional finance and the broader decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.
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tedi🎭 pfp
You can do anything! Your brain can do anything. Absolutely everything. The main thing is to convince yourself of it. Your arms don't know that they can't do push-ups, your legs don't know that they're weak. Your brain knows that. Once you convince yourself that you can do anything, you can really do anything.
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tedi🎭 pfp
The crypto exchange-traded fund (ETF) provider 21Shares is now trying to launch an XRP-focused ETF in the United States. The firm filed a Form S-1 registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Friday. The proposed product, called “the 21Shares Core XRP Trust,” is a passive investment vehicle that tracks the price of the payments altcoin. 21Shares isn’t the first firm to try to get the crypto product off the ground. Bitwise Asset Management, the largest digital asset index fund manager in the US, filed an initial registration statement for an XRP ETF last month.
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tedi🎭 pfp
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tedi🎭 pfp
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tedi🎭 pfp
Pavel Durov: Telegram has been disclosing IP addresses of criminals to authorities since 2018 Telegram founder Pavel Durov said (https://t.me/durov/346) that since 2018, the messenger has been disclosing IP addresses and phone numbers of users involved in criminal activity upon official requests from authorities. In his recent post, Durov explained that such a process has existed for a long time and is not an innovation. According to Durov, Telegram processes requests for disclosure of data in accordance with local laws in most countries, if they do not contradict the principles of freedom and privacy. For example, in India, 2,380 requests for disclosure of data were satisfied in the third quarter of 2024. Durov emphasized that Telegram strives to protect activists and ordinary users, preventing criminals from using the platform to evade justice.
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tedi🎭 pfp
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tedi🎭 pfp
The Legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin This story tells of a Pied Piper who led children from the town of Hamelin into a cave by playing his flute.
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tedi🎭 pfp
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tedi🎭 pfp
What a beautifull eyes))
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tedi🎭 pfp
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tedi🎭 pfp
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tedi🎭 pfp
If the current cycle repeats the story of 2015 and 2018, then we could see a new BTC peak around October 2025.
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tedi🎭 pfp
there is a whole universe here)))
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tedi🎭 pfp
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tedi🎭 pfp
good photo)
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tedi🎭 pfp
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tedi🎭 pfp
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tedi🎭 pfp
Fanaticism is a sign of suppressed doubt. If a person is truly convinced of his own rightness, he is absolutely calm and can discuss the opposite point of view without a shadow of indignation. Carl Gustav Jung
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tedi🎭 pfp
spirited away
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