clay pfp
idle thought are we at/near peak screen time? (in the developed world) does an AR future only cannibalize existing sources of screen time? vs additive (which is what everything else was)
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Corbin Page 👑🎩 pfp
Corbin Page 👑🎩
Nah, I think it’ll be all our waking hours eventually. Even now, you’re probably listening to music or tracking your steps when you’re not looking at a screen. You’ll have some sort of companion screen soon enough.
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greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
maybe the depth of our screen time changes. a thought I’ve been coming back to lately is. “how a human uses a flat surface changes everything about their mindset” Tables or screens.
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Ertan Dogrultan pfp
Ertan Dogrultan
I think it's less about screen time (or how many screens do you use at the same time) but more about data throughput to your brain. So it kinda helps these different screens coordinate with each other in various ways.
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🌈 grant 🎩 🐸 pfp
🌈 grant 🎩 🐸
Gameboys were peak screen time!
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moreReese pfp
I think we’re entering that inflection point. One of the reasons I’m paying close attention to Humane
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