unpopular opinion: @KaitoAI isn’t just a InfoFi tool—it’s flipping the attention economy dynamics we live in a world where attention spans last just 1-2 seconds—let me tell you how we got here. (its economics) back in 2000s, you needed more supply to serve a growing audience on social platforms. it made sense to subsidize and empower creators, so people could have a library of content/info to consume the game has now changed—we don’t have a content shortage anymore, we have an attention shortage current systems are farming your attention + engagement and giving you the infra to keep you hungry/looking for entertainment (ahem.... X, Instagram, Tik Tok) while the current media subsidizes supply, here demand is being subsidized. it's beyond web3/AI and InfoFI if you ask me. attention economy is being built right in front of us yuhu gets the economics at play here—after all, he’s a numbers guy
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