michael pfp



71 Following

michael pfp
+1. not really frames specific, but it seems both @farcaster/auth-kit + next-auth docs are using next's pages directory and not the app router structure. would be interested in seeing that, if anyone has any examples/demo repos
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Kevin @ FarCon pfp
Kevin @ FarCon
🎁  tldr: we’re opening Metal’s API just in time for farhack. we're subsidizing the gas and signing the transactions. 💪 metal api wraps arbitrary web3 transaction artifacts around a simple web2 API to abstract complexity away from the end user. https://metal.build/api-docs
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michael pfp
todays date is a palindrome 4/20/2024 ⇆ 4/20/2024
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traf pfp
100 recasts and we'll drop the official based punks discord
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michael pfp
gm ☀️
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sterlacci.eth 🗽 pfp
sterlacci.eth 🗽
metal.build is officially live! try it out by deploying a token for free on Base in 60 seconds.
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