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can anyone at @pimlico or @coinbasewallet assist with this: i'm trying to get coinbase smart wallet addOwner userOps on base with eth_getUserOperation, but the pimlico bundler only returns partial results for some of them (userOperation: null). the coinbase developer platform bundler just returns null for all of these requests here are two examples of addOwner userOps that return a full userop: here are two that don't i think it may have something to do with the maxFeePerGas in the userop being set to zero? cc @wilsoncusack
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Wilson Cusack
hmm are you sure the userOpHash is correct? cc @chunter
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Yeah apparently they’re not picking it up because it wasn’t submitted directly to an entrypoint Alchemy does return it fine though
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Oh Interesting you're submitting directly to the wallet address? We index on UserOperationEvents which are emitted by the entrypoint. As for the null on the first two its because our lookback time on getUserOperation isn't yet infinite - is expected to be so this quarter though!
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Nope, these all go to the entry point The recovery owners that you can add via the coinbase smart wallet UI seem to go through a proxy
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