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Алиша🎭 pfp
I remembered how I had once treated a wasp cruelly. It was eating jam from a saucer, and I cut it in half with a knife. It paid no attention to this, and continued to feast, and a trickle of sweetness oozed from its cut abdomen. But then it was about to fly, and only then did the full horror of its situation become clear to it. The same thing happens to modern man. His soul was cut off, and for a long time - perhaps twenty years - he simply did not notice it. George Orwell
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Алиша🎭 pfp
There is a poster of bees at the NASA space science center that says, "The aerodynamic body of a bee is not designed to fly, but the good thing is that the bee doesn't know it." The law of physics, the aerodynamic principle, says that the width of the wings is too small to support its huge body in flight, but the bee doesn't know, it knows nothing about physics or its logic, and it flies anyway. This is what we can all do, fly and win at any moment in front of any difficulties and under any circumstances. Be a bee, no matter the size of your wings, fly and enjoy life.
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Алиша🎭 pfp
The entire cryptocurrency ecosystem is currently being created by less than 8,000 full-time developers (working full-time, officially registered in development companies. Thus, independent programmers and engineers from the community are not taken into account) Comparison of this indicator with traditional corporations
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Алиша🎭 pfp
The modern intellectual does not at all correspond to the outdated idea of ​​an individual who is "on the side of reason" Today's intellectual is a person with a position in society, adapting to the main political, cultural and intellectual trends and behaving as a decent, thinking person should. Today's intellectual must be cool, classy, ​​awesome, which in practice means paying tribute to the dominant mass culture, being a moderately radical (i.e. pseudo-radical), a moderately Protestant (i.e. pretending to be a Protestant). Today, being an intellectual means, first of all, being an opportunist. D. Ugrešić, Croatian writer
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Алиша🎭 pfp
The Proust Phenomenon: Smells and Memories Smells can instantly activate memory, evoking memories, emotions, and sometimes entire images of the past. Our reactions to smells are more intense and emotionally charged than to other sensory perceptions. Return to your memories when you smell a scent that suddenly takes you back to the past. Have you noticed this phenomenon in yourself? Don't say that everything is fine with you - don't make people angry.
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Алиша🎭 pfp
How to deal with an aggressive interlocutor? It is important to remain calm and cool. In addition to the content of what you say, it is also important to pay attention to how you say it. Here is one approach: - Use a calming phrase: "Thank you for your opinion, I will definitely take it into account." At the same time, do not forget to smile. This response will help reduce tension and help you find a solution to the situation where you maintain control and emphasize your confidence.
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Алиша🎭 pfp
Psychological boundaries – are an important part of our relationships with others. They help us protect our emotional safety and create harmony. There are three types of boundaries: 1. Distant – associated with strangers, we keep them at a distance. 2. Medium – this is communication with colleagues and friends, we open up a little more. 3. Close – includes partners, relatives and closest friends, with whom we share the deepest. By establishing and observing psychological boundaries, we build healthy relationships. Respect the boundaries of others and remember yourself for harmonious communication.
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Алиша🎭 pfp
Say goodbye to your feeling of insecurity once and for all. After all, it appears because you constantly associate your future achievements with past failures and look at yourself from the outside, as a collection of failures and unfortunate moments from the past. 👌So leave your past and take a fresh look at your desired future. Believe in it and trust it. Soon you will understand how to achieve everything you want so much. You will succeed!
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Алиша🎭 pfp
Strong people also get hurt... They also make mistakes, stumble and fall, but they have one amazing skill... reboot. 👌Fell, lay there for a bit, whined through his teeth from the pain, and then rebooted, got up, shook himself off... and went on as if nothing had happened.....
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Алиша🎭 pfp
Get rid of all the things that can't be called useful, beautiful or funny. And it will become easier for you to BREATHE! 👌And by getting rid of people who don't love and appreciate you, it will become easier for you to LIVE!
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Алиша🎭 pfp
Parable "White sheet and black dot". Once a wise man gathered his students and showed them an ordinary sheet of paper, where he drew a small black dot. He asked them: - What do you see? Everyone answered in unison that it was a black dot. The answer was incorrect. The wise man said: - But don't you see this white sheet of paper - it is so huge, bigger than this black dot! That's how it is in life - we see something bad in people first, although there is much more good. 👌And only a few immediately see a "white sheet of paper".
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Алиша🎭 pfp
Well spotted! Everyone has their own unique path and their own pace of development. 🎓 Some get a higher education at 21, but start a career only 5 years later. 💵 Others, without an education, become millionaires at 21. 💍 Someone gets married at 20, but gets divorced after 5 years. 💑 Others find eternal love, getting married at 30. It is important to remember that success and happiness come to everyone in their own time, and the main thing is not to stop on your way to goals. 👌In the end, everything will happen in its own time.
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