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Chukwuka Osakwe pfp
Chukwuka Osakwe
A common refrain in Paul Graham's work is that Christianity (and, in particular, Evangelical Christianity) is anti-science. What do you guys think about this?
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
I understand why he and many others hold this view. The fact is there’s a large portion of the population that claim a Christian worldview, are immensely vocal, often uneducated on the issues and have strong opinions, strongly held. It's not a good look.
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Paul Berens pfp
Paul Berens
Attacking a strawman to a certain extent. Jay Leno had this segment called JayWalking where he'd highlight the dumbest people on the street, but there's a good amount of filtering to get to that choice group.
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