charlie pfp



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charlie pfp
me rn
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charlie pfp
Farworld 🀝 nOG NFT Giveaway! @willywonka.eth and i have worked together in the past and i'm really excited about what they are building at @nounspace They have a mint for the OG NFT today at 11:11am CT and want to giveaway 3 NFTs to our community! To enter: - farscore > 15 (hold at least 1 creature) - comment "nOGs"
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charlie pfp
Degentlemen 🀝 OG NFT Giveaway! @willywonka.eth and i have worked together in the past and i'm really excited about what they are building at @nounspace They have a mint for the OG NFT today at 11:11am CT and want to giveaway 3 NFTs to our community! To enter: - hold 1 degentlemen - comment "nOGs"
51 replies
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charlie pfp
a good day to be distinguished
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charlie pfp
gm gabal
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charlie pfp
did not quite make it to boregon, but it's about the journey not the destination, and the journey was incredible! well done @bored and team
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charlie pfp
is there a good car wash on the west side? i've tried so many, but haven't found any that i enjoy going to
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charlie pfp
one of my biggest learnings as a founder is to not neglect my health for work. going to the gym, eating well, walks outside, etc… is as important as the work staying healthy, is the best productivity hack i have found for my businesses
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charlie pfp
5 to max level, and now starting on my next 5. Still haven't nailed my training strategy, but all i know is i'm going to have some tanky bois in my army. Come train with me on /farworld!
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charlie pfp
gm degentlemen! i hope everyone had a nice weekend and has a great week. let's get it
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charlie pfp
the skyward-facing headgear remains aloft 🎩🀌
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charlie pfp
another 50K degen kick-back to degentlemen holders 🎩🀌
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charlie pfp
Pack Reveal /farworld - Pack #2297! it's been too long, and have been jonesing to rip a pack. let's pray to the holo-gods that there is a holo in here
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charlie pfp
anyone have examples of testing frames with frog?
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charlie pfp
me rn
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charlie pfp
oh man, not a good day of training for my guys. quick tip, the colors map to a scale of how good your training was: 🟒 - Good πŸ”΅ - Great 🟣 - Epic
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charlie pfp
What's your training strategy? Are we all just maxing attack haha
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charlie pfp
you won’t know when I hit a 100x trading meme coins, but there will be signs
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charlie pfp
one of my favorite twitter spaces on web3 gaming. easily some of the best games and creators on their every week. was awesome to hear people talk about getting into farcaster through playing /farworld
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charlie pfp
gm explorers! priorities for team right now: * frame performance * ui/ux bugs on (see new creatures / marketplace tabs) * working on new pixel art (early samples are πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯) * drinking matcha & deep breathing exercises to reduce stress and stay focused * secrets :)
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