Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
For the newer people on Farcaster: These types of replies aren't useful. Better to use a like than a reply. I get that 1) people are excited / trying to be friendly and 2) not everyone's first language is English. However, low effort replies will eventually start to hurt your account's visibility on Farcaster.
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Chris Mop pfp
Chris Mop
I understand you mean well but people will do what they want. Your speech will not change this. It is easier for you not to focus on it if you don't like it ๐Ÿ˜
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Right, and what will happen is those accounts will get reduced visibility by default on Warpcast. I respect peopleโ€™s freedom but norms are important. Each Farcaster app can handle differently of course.
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