Damn my dad is tilted about AI. He’s very worried about systemic job losses that will occur. What does one say to this? My whole thinking about the future of work is probably a bit too futuristic and internet/cryptonative for him to understand
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Chris Carlson
Look at history. All major technological advancements lead to short term job reductions, disruption, or displacement, but in the long term new jobs are created that we don’t foresee in the present. More here:
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typeof.eth 🔵
The timeline here is way too short to extrapolate,IMO. Previous jumps in technology have tended to move people from physical labor to knowledge work. The unknown with AI is that it’s the first jump to potentially impact a large amount of knowledge workers. I’m optimistic, though, cause if it does lead to structural unemployment, we can do stuff like UBI. And if it doesn’t, we just keep doing what we’ve been doing.
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