Chase Sommer pfp
Chase Sommer
Hey all! I'm looking for some data-related work! I have 4+ years of professional experience using sql, dbt, and visualization tools. I recently landed a new game design role, but to cover the transition period I'll need to pick up some side gigs. Let me know if you need work done or know someone who does!
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stellabelle🫂🎩 pfp
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🎩 MxVoid 🎩 pfp
🎩 MxVoid 🎩
I recommend sharing this in /jobs as well. Kinda in the same boat—trying to make a career change from academia (GIS/geospatial data science/modeling/simulation) into data science/tech, two years into that search, but no luck yet. But you’ll surely find something much sooner with your industry experience. gl! 🫡
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