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Day three of “Call to Action” show us your workspace and where you are most creative. Please share it in the /wac channel you can quote cast this post if you would like. Make sure to tag both @jacque and @awedjob If you want to also post the cast under here after please feel free yet we would love to see you in the main channel feed (yes the images from awed and I are AI yet show us your real spaces!)
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Day 3, oh my @jacque @awedjob my space is too messy! It's an organized mess but still. Also it's a little corner by the window next to my dishwasher. I'll share my make-believe studio which is my backdrop on calls and when I record my show. It's my actual art in the image
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Oh gosh I thought I tipped you 🥹 36 $degen @payflow send 250 moxie
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