Charlie Marketplace pfp

Charlie Marketplace


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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
8 years ago I jokingly calculated the day I'd become 1 billion seconds old I just got the calendar alert 😭
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
Nothing is bullish price except usage. Not interested in the ETF games tbh
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
Sharing streams of on-chain actions, e.g. When a bot moves liquidity on-chain. Would allow channels to be subscriptions to models (could include frame to copy)
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
Congrats to mirror/paragraph But can we please get author managed erc1155s for blog posts? There's 0 resale or collection value in sporadic 1 shot erc721 NFTs with addresses untied to any author provenance Been begging for this for 2 years. I'll migrate 100 articles when this launches.
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
21% APY to loan USDbC (base USDC) on Base AAVE. Only 10% to borrow USDC on same (native USDC). Legit 10% free spread just sitting there free and you can also LP USDC/USDbC on Uniswap 0.01%
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
Very interesting The 0.05% USDbC/ETH Uni v3 pool on BASE has generated nearly 3x the fees of the 0.05% USDC/ETH pool (Jan 1 2024 to present) The non 0.05% pools are almost entirely ignorable for LPs. I'm surprised I had expected native USDC to be better.
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
Beating Uniswap Part III has started In part I & II (covered on Twitter) I used a game theory approach to identify, how under a budget constraint, Uni v3 is a 2-parameter repeated game. Part III, I will measure volatility & control charts method for hourly monitoring of a v3 pool. More to come.
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
Wrapped ETH lmao
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
Bad ranges is not the answer. Natural language DeFi + interactive design & data storytelling for turning a belief into a position.
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
calldata loss is sad tho
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
Is it not possible in app to do nonce replacement? I sent a transaction with too low of gas. Now I can't replace it, speed it up, or do anything else to get it unstuck besides wait for it to fail. I'm normally a somewhat advanced user on desktop browser, first time giving mobile app DeFi a chance πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
Is it not possible in app to do nonce replacement? I sent a transaction with too low of gas. Now I can't replace it, speed it up, or do anything else to get it unstuck besides wait for it to fail. I'm normally a somewhat advanced user on desktop browser, first time giving mobile app DeFi a chance πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
AMPL chart is going crazy rn Broke $2. People know it rebases right? It's supposed to be $1 πŸ˜‚
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
been thinking of deploying a fair-launch contract for memes on Base. Could embed it in a Frame for simple ETH transfers to it too. Would be nice to get a second pair of eyes on it, but will probably test in prod too lol.
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
anyone know how the uni v3 front-end fee (0.15%) looks on-chain? not super obvious, claims it is paid in out_token but trying to find a tx
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
????? is my wallet busted; this cost my $0.08 lol Did base implement 4844 yet? I think my wallet is 100x over-bidding for blockspace lol
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
hey AI gang, wrote a thread on building LLMs, hoping to make more and better LLMs for making crypto data easier to analyze.
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
To summarize: customizing LLMs is becoming easier every day! The outstanding problems from my view are: - stochastic responses make testing hard - the best models are liable to rug you by fiddling with system prompts you can't control - open source models are still weak - Making great tuning data is a GRIND!!
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
When is tuning worth it? ✍ Tuning is *not* reducing model complexity. It's more like biasing some weights over others. You provide 50 -100+ pairs of custom input -> perfect dream output "squeeze" a foundation model to your preferred type of outputs for similar inputs. HUGE quality boosts for often < $100!
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Charlie Marketplace pfp
Charlie Marketplace
Context is the easiest way to format a model's behavior. Simply *append* relevant information to every single user's request (i.e., exploit large context windows) Be careful: these can be *misleadingly* good in proof of concepts, but struggle to be aMaZinG in the wild
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