Henrik 🎩 pfp

Henrik 🎩


155 Following

Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
Been to the US twice Already a beneficiary in a class action law suit settlement 💀
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
Master in Degrowth is the most unhinged things I’ve seen in education
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
Reminds me of double-think
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
Call UK government “This call will be recorded for data protection purposes” Wtf 😂
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
would be easier if they were all online IMO
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
“Unprecedented interconnectedness at all levels” OECD on vertically integrated multinational companies (2013)
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
"The company perfectly fits within my idea that our primary job as humans for the next ~5-10 years is to simply not die. I think if you can make it to 2030 in reasonably good health, you’ll start adding years and years of incremental lifespan." Re: Cryonics
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
nobody knows where crypto is going so don’t fade memecoins (but it’s ok to fade web3 gaming 😂)
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
love to see texas stonk exchange ESG is bs
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
Standby. Fetching times for July. Then will book. Get ready 🪐🛸👽🛰️
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
"From February 2023 to June 2024, the bot has spent a total of 76,916 ETH, which equates to about $175 million" https://www.theblock.co/post/298775/mev-bot-jaredfromsubway-becomes-top-ethereum-gas-spender-in-last-24-hours
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
Just earned DRIP creating this video on @drakula: https://drakula.app/post/c7965ecc-5982-49c6-85ae-f9c94eda9558?invite=WdDnMj
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
I’m now off for 4 months!
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
Anyone seen any prompt engineering courses/guides/workshops? Would like to become a better prompter
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
The doge is dead, long live the doge!
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
1 Europeum gets mined each time you click "Accept all cookies"
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
EU-backed Europeum Chain gonna be lit /europoooooor
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Henrik 🎩 pfp
Henrik 🎩
does anyone understand even remotely how domain name services work
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