chaobella pfp



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chaobella pfp
Spiritual masters have stated that knowing is greater than believing as it stems from your own experience. Do you resonate with this? Have you experienced an awakening that felt like remembering who you really are?
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chaobella pfp
Is it realistic to exclude physical attractiveness in potential partners such as marriage or long term relationships?
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chaobella pfp
I like the stock $SPIRIT๐Ÿ˜น
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chaobella pfp
Letโ€™s fly in love joy and peace
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chaobella pfp
Start calling this transition instead of death and see how the vibration of this happening changes for you
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chaobella pfp
Descartes opined I think therefore I am. Possibly I Am therefore I can think. I Am beyond thought
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chaobella pfp
People think spirituality is about being connected out there but itโ€™s inside which expands outward. Peace and love
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chaobella pfp
ITAP where kids have fun drawing with chalk
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chaobella pfp
So the simulation is real? Yes for 70 to 90 years. Play well and get to the next level
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chaobella pfp
Abundance is different for everyone so why let society culture or family dictate this for you. Be your own version of whatever you are here for
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chaobella pfp
Watched movie of Celine Dion I AM on Amazon.Empathy and compassion
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chaobella pfp
Art from recently arrived souls love love love this
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chaobella pfp
Have you ever wondered what the universe is all about and maybe the universe is wondering what you are all about ๐Ÿ˜‰
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chaobella pfp
We are all ascending in our own way and pace. This is perfect as in reality time is a construct and our realisation is inevitable. This is a process not a competition ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿฆ…
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chaobella pfp
No matter how many lives you may have lived this one counts for awakening and ascension. Lessons of courage may be more valuable than personal success. What is the lesson of courage you are learning. Mine has to do with being more open with those around me
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chaobella pfp
Beautiful beginnings walking and meditating and then just meditating. After this relating and mediating.
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chaobella pfp
Grateful for all that is including this platform where our energies can freely express
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chaobella pfp
Believe that you are worthy of walking hand in hand with Jesus and Babaji and that you are worthy of Archangel Michael fighting your battles with you and this will be so
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chaobella pfp
I AM and that is what is. Jesus appeared Buddha appeared and the vibrational energy was incredible. We all levitated and shared love joy and peace for eternity. This is more than dreaming and yet I woke up from this but not entirely ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿง˜๐ŸŒบ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ‘ธ
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chaobella pfp
So grateful to be here talking to myself.
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