David pfp



755 Following

David pfp
Try and Join the quiz "Poly Market"
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David pfp
Free mint on Base https://wallet.coinbase.com/nft/mint/team-liquid
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David pfp
BNB Chain welcomes Blocksport to Revolutionizing Sports with Web3 on BNBCHAIN! 🚀
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David pfp
I just completed "Infinity CUBEs: QuickSwap" on Layer3 - https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/infinity-cubes-quickswap
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David pfp
Celebrity cryptocurrency projects: An analysis by Vitalik Buterin The founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, recently discussed the role that celebrities have in the cryptocurrency industry. Although a number… Cc:CMN
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David pfp
Cardano forms a new alliance in Argentina; will ADA hit $0.5? Recently, Cardano shocked the cryptocurrency world by formally partnering with Argentina. This development represents a significant turning point for the… Cc:CMN
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David pfp
I just completed "Introducing ZK Nation" on Layer3 - https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/the-zk-nation
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David pfp
Use of Ethereum Smart contracts : *Voting Systems*: Smart contracts can ensure the integrity and transparency of voting processes, making it difficult to manipulate or alter votes.
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David pfp
Use of Ethereum Smart contracts : *Charity Donations*: Smart contracts can transparently and securely track donations and funding, ensuring that funds reach intended recipients.
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David pfp
As Dev have considered diving into the world of crypto, to learn the necessary languages necessary so that you can build something on yhe blockchain network.
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David pfp
You know, history never mentions the names of people that tried and failed, That's why as founders you must always stay motivated. Trying times will come but it will also pass. STAY FOCUS.
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David pfp
Use of Ethereum Smart contracts : Real Estate: Smart contracts can securely and transparently manage property ownership and transfer, reducing paperwork and increasing efficiency
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David pfp
It's all about learning a random language and you now call yourself a program. Can you solve problems with what you have learned?
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David pfp
As a founder do you actually have good communication skills. You should be able to communicate well with your potential clients and even your workers.
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David pfp
Use of Ethereum Smart contracts : Digital Content Distribution*: Smart contracts can securely and transparently manage the distribution of digital content, such as music or movies.
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David pfp
Would we say Bitcoin is currently consolidating. Or what do we call this movement.
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David pfp
Do you want to be a founder. Think deeply about this questions, What problem can i solve, what problem are people around ne facing and how can i solve them.?
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David pfp
Another Use of Ethereum Smart contracts : Autonomous Organizations: Smart contracts can enable decentralized governance and decision-making, creating autonomous organizations without central authority.
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David pfp
As founder try to pay your workers Wages and Salaries on time. This will actually boost their productivity. Don't use their salaries dor investments. That's not how to do things.
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David pfp
Use Of Ethereum Smart Contracts : Digital Inheritance: Smart contracts can securely and transparently manage the inheritance of digital assets, such as cryptocurrency or digital art.
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