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What do you prefer? Selfish and intelligent? (libs) or Selfish and not intelligent? (Trumpists) Also keep in mind, both are arrogant when they're in power.
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Sorry, I don't mean to offend Trumpists, it's just very obvious when you see people comparing the mask requirement with deportations.
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Obviously I'm generalizing btw, which isn't "nice" but I assume niceness is out of the window at this point. I don't give AF if a conservative thinks "this is why you guys lose" :) Leftist policies win, lib politicians lose.
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Libs often LARP intelligence. It’s a virtue signal that most of them can’t actually live up to because they’re lazy and spoiled, hence why they’ll happily back a fascist if they’re protected. Trumpists often LARP stupidity as a plausible deniability for how truly evil of people they are who knowingly cause harm even to the people they claim to love, knowingly make everything worse for everyone, for no other reason than to seize more power.
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