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Classic case for capitalism is that it'll usually win in the shortest terms. For example. you privatize education, so less tax burden on citizens. Of course by turning your education into a profit-machine, you're changing the objective function of your system. Over time, your system will optimize for profit instead of the optimizing for better education. Same applies to reducing protections for health, food, family programs, etc. What I'm saying is, starting from the same point, invisible hand cannot compete with planned systems on longer periods.
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Imagine if public education actually optimized for better education instead of optimizing for teachers unions and producing obedient slaves. If public education worked, the massive increase in spending over the years would at the very least keep test scores steady rather than produce the decline we have seen! Sure there are issues with a purely for profit model, but we know having the Government in charge of education is proven not to work by the data, so we need a new system whether it be a fully for profit model or a hybrid. Anything is better than what we already know doesn't work
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Why does pubilc education work well in Europe? Why does pubilc education work well work in China? Why does it work well in Russia (yes, it does, based on scores)? If you're looking at correlations, you should map why US who has a more privatized system is scoring lower than all its counterparts who have a more public system.
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Btw last paragraph applies to healthcare too.
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