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Satoshi Tomatomoto
I can't believe some of you are actually voting for this person.
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Quelz🎩 ↑
I’m not with trump, but also not for misinformation. This is the full clip.
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Satoshi Tomatomoto
The full clip just shows that he spent a weird amount of time complaining about the microphone in addition to pretending it was a dick.
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I think you're reading way too much into the dick part. One sec before and one sec after this 5-sec-cut he's still complaining about the mic. He's clearly showing how he has to fix the mic and then leans over to it and then even says "it's too low". Weird, about-to-melt brain? Yes. Sexual imitation? Nah. And it's really not great when people attack him on this weird stuff and not on his stances, but I know why they don't do it because Harris is aligned with 80% of his stances too.
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