anon pfp
Who I vote for is private. It's between ME and the fascist poll worker who changes it to Kamala.
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LucentMonk 🍖***🎩 pfp
LucentMonk 🍖***🎩
You don't trust your countries voting infrastructure? Why don't you go and work there, see how it's done, and make sure everything is happening fairly. If you have any real info, then share the proof. Otherwise you are just spreading dangerous lies. For every corrupt dem at the polls, there is a corrupt Republican, so the argument itself is complete rubbish. Even if the results somehow are won and lost based on who is staffing the voting booth, and everyone knows this, then it becomes fair again as both sides have equal chance to be corrupt assholes.
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13 reactions (UrbanGladiator) pfp (UrbanGladiator)
This! Absolutely.
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colfax pfp
well said
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