Connor McCormick ☑Verified pfp
Connor McCormick ☑Verified
I've written something in obsidian and would like it available at a link? How do yall do this? Can I copy paste to some other host easily or how easy is obsidian's page hosting? @kepano dyk?
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cam glynn pfp
cam glynn
I’ve been working on building my personal site using just Obsidian for the backend find a Static Site Generator with good Markdown support (I chose Astro) turn that SSG codebase into a vault then simply edit the .md content using Obsidian use Obsidian Git to publish and host with Vercel or service of choice
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cam glynn pfp
cam glynn
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Connor McCormick ☑Verified pfp
Connor McCormick ☑Verified
wew. Can I see your site?
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