Retroactive Stablecoin : OpenEden Bills' Reward Campaign ➡️ Go to : https://portal.openeden.com/bills-campaign?chain=base ➖ Submit Code : s97WHGsbjr ➖ Trade USDC / USDT or ETH to cUSDO ➖ Supply LP (Aerodrome, USDC-cUSDO) ➖ Supply USDC into Clearstar OpenEden USDC on Morpho Earn (Optional ) ➖ Supply cUSDO as collateral on Morpho Lending Pool (Optional ) ➖ Supply sAMM-USDC/cUSDO as collateral on Morpho Lending Pool (Optional ) ➖ Hodl USDO or cUSDO ➖ Done - You Can Unstake Anytime - LFG SC cUSDO : 0x83dB73EF5192de4B6a4c92bD0141Ba1a0Dc87c65 Source : https://x.com/OpenEden_X/status/1896873375336976468
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