Ceaira Grey pfp

Ceaira Grey


14 Following

Ceaira Grey pfp
Ceaira Grey
Upon @les arrival from FarCon I’ve noticed an increase number in shirts. Thanks might steal a few. 💜
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Ceaira Grey pfp
Ceaira Grey
Hey hun, remember you have a family over here. Stop casting!
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Ceaira Grey pfp
Ceaira Grey
You can take the guy out of Farcaster , but you can’t take the Farcaster out of the guy.
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Ceaira Grey pfp
Ceaira Grey
Raising our cup of coffee this morning to pushing boundaries to sleepless nights and to the countless times you stop me to point out the color purple wherever we are. @lesgrey (now it’s my turn ) Thank you Farcaster for stealing my husband and changing our lives forever. In the best possible way of course.
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Ceaira Grey pfp
Ceaira Grey
Happy birthday my love . To another year of chasing sun rises and our little ones while dancing under the moon lit path of dreams. Now.. let’s go get some pancakes! @les
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Ceaira Grey pfp
Ceaira Grey
Starting to like the different shades of purples on this app.
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Ceaira Grey pfp
Ceaira Grey
Good morning! Thank you for the warm welcome. Trying to wrap my head around this whole web3 thing. Rather intimidating considering technology and I don’t mix very well. @les is usually in charge of anything with a power cord.
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Ceaira Grey pfp
Ceaira Grey
Hi everyone, Learning how to cast. Good night.
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