Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
I switched to Bing a few weeks ago and I’d say it’s significantly better than Google. Same quality results (I cross check them occasionally) and far fewer ads.
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Kiran Pathakota pfp
Kiran Pathakota
I thought I was the only one! Bing is great. Bing maps actually has this feature where it saves every search as a separate layer on the map. Very useful when planning trips!
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notdevin  pfp
What do you search for that you can’t get better info from gpt3?
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ildi pfp
Is there a particular feature or capability that you think is currently missing from Google + Bing which would significantly improve your search experience? I also think it’s ridiculous how many ads Google prioritizes above the results I’m actually looking for.
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Leonidas.og pfp
A lot of people don't know this, but you can go into AdBlock settings and turn off "Allow some non-intrusive advertising" to get rid of search ads on Google.
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Adam Baybutt pfp
Adam Baybutt
I use DuckDuckGo quite a bit, which uses Bing on back end? I’ve found it’s not as good as Google.
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chris 🎩 pfp
chris 🎩
Have been using DuckDuckGo for about two years now and not missed Google Most of their products are now sufficiently mediocre enough that it’s possible to ditch them except for the multiplayer apps (Docs, Sheets, etc)
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mk pfp
I’ve been using DDG for a couple of years. I like it better.
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adrienne pfp
Search mostly seems commoditized but I have been wildly impressed with the entire Microsoft 365 tech stack from a usability perspective. It all just works. And there’s no hidden advertising agenda. I’m the customer and the user.
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Yash Karthik pfp
Yash Karthik
been using ddg for a couple of years now. don't miss google.
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Ishika 🎩 pfp
Ishika 🎩
Brave I feel is equally great!
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Interesting. Google’s got such a hold on me, having me fully integrated in their ecosystem (chrome across devices; gmail; gdocs; authenticator) Search has become just like an afterthought value-add compared to the marginal value of all those combined.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
Have you compared those result with DDG ?
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6457 🎩 pfp
6457 🎩
Reminds me of a story my friend (engineer) who interviewed at Microsoft told me. During the technical challenge, they told him he could use any and all resource to solve the problem. So, he said he would Google it. They gave him a look, and said, "We use Bing here." He didn't get the job 😂
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nybble pfp
is bing better than google from a privacy perspective? been using ddg for a few years but definitely fallback to google fairly frequently.
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