Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
Is ActivityPub a dead end or an alt extended universe? Are there plans to try and make FC a W3C recommendation or something? (Is W3C even the right standards consortium for crypto?)
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Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
Issues with federated systems: 1/ No global namespace or services, making cross-server functionality clunky (just need to try it to see)
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Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
2/ in federated network governence is function of network topology. If it grows, some nodes (servers) will likely get large (since there are per server network effects, economies of scale), giving them disproportionate control. you end up back where you started.
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Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
3/ in blockchain based systems line FC and Lens, governance is formalized and (logically) centralized blockchain level. Governance is independent of network topology and therefore resistant to some nodes getting getting large.
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Cole Kennelly pfp
Cole Kennelly
Hi Chris! Check your direct casts. Thanks
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